Sexual Assault / Domestic Violence Program
Kingston General Hospital 76 Stuart Street Kingston, Ontario K7L 2V7
Kingston General Hospital.
Phone |
ext. 4880
Fax |
24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Counselling and Follow-up Clinic: By appointment.
- Adults 16 years of age or older, who have experienced sexual assault and/or domestic violence.
- Children under 16 years of age who have experienced sexual assault or sexual abuse
- 24-hour service provided through the emergency department.
- Emergency medical and nursing care.
- Forensic evidence collection and documentation.
- Testing and treatment of sexually transmitted infections, pregnancy and HIV.
- Crisis counselling and follow-up.
- Safety planning, medical follow-up.
- Co-ordination with community services.
- Accessible for people with disablities.
- Barrier free washroom.
- Emergency entrance wheelchair accessible.
- Fully accessible.
Donna Joyce, Manager
Dernière mise à jour, le 2, mai 2012